How do I declare a career in Career Exploration?
View Careers that Interest you
This step is to be done after taking the Interest Assessment.

- If you already know which Career you are interested in, search the career by name or description in the search bar.
- If you aren't sure of a career, click on check box next to Assessment Recommendations.
View Career List
Scroll down to the list of Careers dispayed below the Interest Assessment.

Learn more about a career
Click on the green gear next to a career that interests you.

View Details
The first option given is to View Details. Click on it, and you will be shown more information about that career.
Note the option to Select a location. The Annual Wages, Industry Growth, and Estimated Job Openings information displayed will be filtered according to the state and city you select.
Assess This Career
The second option after clicking on the green gear, is to Assess This Career.

This will compare your Interest Assessment answers to the skills needed for that career.
- Each dial will then show how well aligned you are with that career. The dials will show as green, orange, or red. These correspond to if you are already well aligned or if there are areas for improvement. The dials that are still blue are non-essential areas for your chosen career and are therfore not assessed.
- Note the small inner dial labeled Career. This dial will show where someone in that career should be.
Declare Your Career
The third option after clicking on the green gear is Make My Career. Click on this option if this is the career you would like to pursue.

The career you declare will now be shown in blue above the list of provided careers.

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