I-Plan Help GuidesI-Plan for StudentsAdvisingDefault chapterFor Advisors: How to check Advisor History

For Advisors: How to check Advisor History

Advisor History

Locate Advisor History on the pull-out menu on the left.

  1. Shows the Advising Center. You can toggle between centers if you have access to more than one.
  2. Shows the selected Advisor. By default, it shows the advisor who is logged in. You can change this to look at any advisor who has access to your Advising Center, including those with restricted visibility.
  3. By default, the Date From and To will be the the day you access Advisor History. You can change this to show a single day or a range of days.
  4. The student's picture, name, and I-Number appear here. If the student does not have a picture yet, the picture will be generic as seen. Clicking on any of this information will link to the Student History. This is helpful if you want to see the entry that was written by the Advisor and what took place.
  5. The student's email will show up here. Clicking on it will open an email to send to the student.
  6. Visit Type, Visit Reason, Date, and Time all indicate information about the appointment: when it was, how long it was, what the student was here for, and how the advising visit took place. If multiple entries were logged for Visit Reason, they will show up here.
  7. If the selected range has too many entries, the results will be split into pages. You can use the controls at the bottom to view the desired page of results.
  8. The Add Visit button allows you to add an additional entry in the Student History. This can be helpful if the student comes back and needs additional help but isn't there long enough to log them in to the Waiting Room again.
  9. The Edit Visit button allows the advisor who logged the visit to edit what they wrote, correct the time stamp data, add additional information, add referrals, or upload documents. Only the original advisor has access to edit their entry, other advisors cannot do this for them.


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