Faculty Questions re. Professional Development

What is Professional Development in I-Plan?

The Professional Development module in I-Plan is a place where students can view and engage with different goals and activities that are specific to their major as well as their career objectives. It provides students with one place to:

  • See recommended goals and activities identified by their departments as the most important tasks to complete prior to graduating--the intent of these goals and activities is to help students effectively prepare for either a career or entrance into graduate school after leaving BYU-Idaho
  • Learn more about why each goal is important
  • Identify their progress toward accomplishing each goal or task
  • Add their own goals based on their personal needs and desires

How do I Access Professional Development?

In order to access Professional Development, follow these steps:

  1. Visit https://iplan.byui.edu
  2. Click the BYU-Idaho login button
  3. Enter your BYU-Idaho credentials
  4. Click Login and choose Professional Development in the black navigation bar at the top of the page

In order to access the Professional Development, you need to be a member of the Professional Development Faculty role in the BYU-Idaho Role Manager. If the link is missing, please do the following:

  1. Create an email to [email protected] with the following subject: "Add to Faculty Grad Planner Role"
  2. Please be sure to provide name, department, and email address in the body of the message

The BYU-Idaho I-Plan support team will generally respond to requests within 1 business day

How Will the Professional Development Module Impact my Work?

Some faculty members may choose to use the Professional Development module as an advising tool with students they mentor. However, Professional Development is primarily a student-facing tool, and should have very little direct impact on faculty members unless they choose to engage with the tool.

What Can I Do in the Graduation Planner as a Faculty Member?

Faculty can use Professional Development in a number of different ways:

  • Use the tool to advise individual students assigned to them for mentoring
  • Identify goals with a student that would help that student with his or her personal career objectives
  • Faculty members can add goals on students' individual roadmaps--these goals are then visible to the student and can be accepted as activities to work on

Who Can I Contact with Questions?

There are several resources available to answer Grad Plan questions:

  1. The BYU-Idaho Support Center (BSC)--The BSC can be contacted by calling extension 2900. The BSC is equipped to answer basic I-Plan questions, and is a good initial resource
  2. College advising centers--College advising centers can also be a good source of information in the event that the BSC cannot answer a question. Please call extension 9800 to reach the main advising desk
  3. I-Plan Support Team--The I-Plan support team is located in the Chapman building, and can respond to escalations from the BSC or advising centers. They can be contacted at [email protected] or by phone at extension 0984


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