Copy Planning

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Declared Grad Plans now have a copy planning feature. The main purpose of this feature is to help when a student switches between Day and Online to be able to keep the class planning they’ve already created and not have to start over.

  • The copy planning feature is only available on a Declared Plan.

  • In the Declared Plan you will see a “Copy Planning” button. This allows students to copy the course planning from an alternate plan to the one they’re currently working on.
  •  You will see a list of alternate plans you can copy from. You can copy from a plan that has a status of In-Progress, Approved, or Recommended Plan Applied. This page also reminds you that you will lose any existing planning when the copy is complete.
  • At the bottom of this screen there is an additional box to check if you would like to have courses that don’t fit into a requirement automatically planned as elective. If this box is not selected then only required courses will be copied over.
  • Choose a plan and click “Copy”. The courses from the selected plan will be reflected in the current plan you’re working on. 


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